Ancestral Medicine
Healing, Liberation, and Divine Alignment


Ndoro Healing Arts is a heart-centered coalition of traditional medicine practitioners committed to sharing holistic methods that open pathways to liberation, self-empowerment, and intergenerational healing.  Originally founded on the Big Island of Hawaii, and currently based in New Mexico, this coalition was created to facilitate deep healing and reconnection to ancestral wisdom. 

As mediums, we understand that there are many doors through which one can access the spiritual realm…music, dance, readings, and ceremonies are just some of these ways… and that by knowing how to align particular energies and vibrations these gateways can be opened for us to learn and discover more than we could have ever imagined possible.

Trust….And may the door to spirit be opened for you.


We envision a global community where the gifts that each person brings to the world are honored, where ancestral medicines and wisdom are shared across cultures in ways that create peace, understanding, and appreciation for our shared humanity.

We aim to cultivate sustainable partnerships and align with cultural practitioners and organizations, to support the reclamation, celebration, and elevation of traditional healing practices.


At Ndoro Healing Arts, we believe that de-colonized practices rooted in ancestral and traditional medicines play a fundamental role in the health and well-being of all individuals.

Our mission is to support folks of diverse backgrounds and lineages with personal and collective healing and empowerment.  Our approach centers the embodiment of ancestral wisdom as a force for liberation. 


We are dedicated to sharing the medicine of Ancestral practices through a decolonized framework of education, consulting, and mentoring for individuals and groups through transformational workshops, trainings, and ritual and somatic experiences.  

This includes:

  • Healing Work

  • Practical and Spiritual Guidance

  • Readings

  • Cleanings

  • Music and Movement

  • Ceremony and Ritual

  • And more….

Our practices embrace a compassionate approach in addressing traumas that have been deeply embedded in the psyche and physical bodies of those who have been impacted by historic gender, racial, cultural, economic, and societal violence. We seek to interrupt intergenerational trauma and assist individuals in establishing healthy patterns for a fulfilling and empowered life. 

We believe that ancestral healing practices are fundamental to addressing historic, systemic, and cultural violence. For that reason, we provide a container that is inclusive and accessible, and seek to advance equity in these healing spaces.


“And a door will open unto a thousand path stones…”

From the writings of Benjamin Sands  |  Co-Founder